Giorgi Kontuadze

Giorgi Kontuadze – Kraken co-founder – digital communication agency that offers social media management service (helps companies to manage digital channels on OUTSTORE


Today we have to meet with many people, I mean business relations, whatever comfortable this process is for us, there are some moments, when we face stressful situation or lose motivation and doughtiness. I doubt there is a person who has not wavered on the path to his/her purpose, who has not thought to leave everything. In such situations, we often want to share our thoughts with a friend or a loved one who gives us some advice or shows us the way.  Sadly, sometimes friends do not give us the advices of an exact direction that forces us to fight for own motivation alone. You will agree that this is not a simple task to transform everything to positive.

I know Giorgi for years, and we often talk about the job, career, personal achievements, about general issues, I can not say that our communication is held in a question & answer format, but each conversation gives me some kind of inspiration. You are more concentrated on the business and the success, you want to create and do more. We create some collaboration, and this is probably his, as the influencer’s, the most comfortable charisma. I can not encourage myself so perfectly alone as I do it together with him. It’s a big stimulus when you have such a good friend and trust him.

I am sure there he has a great future in this area.
